app").Props.) i18n!: Object.-|-|-|-random-}Events.choose: 'Em it activity on Selected Emoji',.changeCategory: 'Em it occasion on Improvement Classification'.Utilizing customized Emojis.Collection of items with User interface IEmoji.user interface IEmoji information: string.classification: string.aliases: string [].embeded in Prop customEmojis.Making use of customized Groups.Assortment of things along with User interface ICategory.interface ICategory title: strand.image: strand.embeded in Prop customCategories.i18n.Set in Prop i18n an object with framework of you custom-made translation:.const i18n = hunt: 'Pesquisar ...',.groups: Task: "Atividades",.Banners: "Bandeiras",.Foods: "Comida",.Often: "Frequentes",.Objects: "Objetos",.Attribute: "Natureza",.Peoples: "Pessoas",.Signs: "Su00edmbolos",.Places: "Locais".or bring in coming from locale/lang/$ youLangObs: Default foreign language is en-UK.Structure Emoji.Dimension.